Emily’s Maternity Cover

As most of you are already aware, I am expecting a baby soon! My last day at school before I go off on Maternity Leave will be Friday 11th October. My maternity leave will be covered by Nicky Langley, who has already started with us two days a week, to enable her to get to know our children and parents – I know I have introduced her to many of you already! We have known Nicky for many years as she has had two children come through our school, so she knows the school very well. As of Monday 14th October, Kerrie will be in the office Mondays and Fridays and Nicky on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Nicky is already with us every Tuesday and Thursday so please feel free to pop in and say hello!  Emily 🙂

Theatre Severn Pantomime

We would like to inform parents that we will be attending the Theatre Severn Pantomime again this year – oh yes we are! More information to follow.

Individual/Sibling School Photographs – Tuesday 24th September

Individual/Sibling School Photographs will take place on Tuesday 24th September. Please ensure that only correct school uniform is worn.

Pre-schoolers are also welcome to join their sibling for a photo. Please send your school child in as normal so that they can be registered, before making your way to the school office at 8.45am with your pre-schooler.  We will then bring your school child to meet you in the school hall. Thank you.

Diddi Dance – CANCELLED

Unfortunately, due to lack of interest, Diddi Dance Club will not be running this term.  Please accept our apologies for any disappointment. All payments that have been made will be refunded. Thank you.

After School Diddi Dance

We still have spaces left on our after school Diddi Dance club on Thursdays for Years 1 and 2.

Please sign up through school gateway if you wish to secure a place for your child.

Welcome back – news and changes

Welcome back – we hope you have all had a good summer break. We are looking forward to a great year ahead.  There are a couple of updates below that we wanted to bring to your attention this week. Shortly, you will also receive communications about clubs, parents’ evenings and class newsletters.

Deputy Head: We have altered our leadership structure so that our federation will now have one deputy head across the two schools. This is something that the local authority had asked us to do by the end of this academic year, but it now been moved forward due to Mr Glover, Myddle’s deputy head, getting a new job right at the end of the summer term. The timetable will as such that there is always a member of the leadership team in each school, as myself, Mrs Hillidge, Mrs Foster and Mrs Cadman will spend half a week in each school. Mrs Hillidge will teach one day a week in each school, so this means that she will no longer teach year 6 on a Friday. They will be taught by Mr Ansell, who is a regular member of staff at Baschurch and the children should know really well.

Reception Class: Just to let you know that Mrs Andrew has been waiting for a operation and after 3 cancelled appointments, it’s finally come through for this Friday! Mrs Andrew is not very happy with the timing, as she is so excited to get started with her lovely new class. However, this cannot be put off as I’m sure you will understand. We have an experienced reception teacher to cover her absence, starting tomorrow called Mrs Stevie Edwards who has worked with us many times before. She will work Tuesday-Friday and Mrs Hillidge will continue to do the Mondays. We anticipate that this will be for 2 weeks. Thank you for your understanding with this.

Dojo App: This app is fantastic for reminders, but it should be kept for that purpose primarily. A teacher may remind you of something you need to bring in, or a change of PE day. You may want to send a quick note to a teacher. Please be mindful that our wifi isn’t great and teachers don’t always receive the messages in the school day when they are teaching, so if you need to report an illness, a change of person collecting your child or suchlike, you must call or email the admin office. If you want to ask about your child’s progress or discuss friendship issues, you should email the office and they will ask the teacher to phone you to talk it through. Please don’t try to have these discussions on dojo – our teachers are always happy to meet with you or chat on the phone to help get problems sorted out quickly. Your teacher will provide you with a dojo log-in if you don’t have one already. Our main news is sent via the school website, so please make sure you have subscribed to emails and updated your class preferences if you children are in new classes.

We are looking forward to a fantastic year ahead and want to offer a big warm welcome to our new families and new children in reception.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Mrs Williams

Nut Free School

Before school starts again tomorrow, would like to remind parents/carers that we are a ‘nut free’ school.

We currently have children and staff in our school who are severely allergic to nuts, and can suffer from life threatening reactions if they eat, smell or touch any foods containing nuts

In the interests of protecting pupils and staff with nut allergies, we request that you do not send your children to school with any of the following:

  • Packaged nuts
  • Peanut butter or chocolate spreads containing nuts
  • Cereal, granola or chocolate bars containing nuts
  • Cake or biscuits containing nuts
  • Peanut-based sauces like satay
  • Any food made with sesame seeds (which can cause a similar allergic reaction)

The above list is not exhaustive. Please check the ingredient lists carefully.

We are grateful for your cooperation in helping to keep our pupils and staff safe.