Dear Parents and Carers,
Despite the combined efforts of the Baschurch Multi Agency Team who have worked with Baschurch Primary School and The Corbet School to improve a very difficult road traffic situation on Eyton Lane, this remains an area which continues to cause us concern.
We do have a road traffic order which prohibits cars parking on Eyton Lane during school collection and drop off times and we are very grateful to those parents who respect this.
However, could we please issue a plea to parents and carers collecting students to avoid driving into Eyton Lane at the start and end of the school day. The additional road traffic compounds what is already a very busy time of day and heightens the risk to drivers and students alike . We do need to accommodate the school buses which are contracted to collect and deliver the students to the school site.
Could we also remind all drivers that under no circumstances should they be mounting the pavement.
Thank you for your continued support and understanding in keeping our whole school community safe.
Kind regards,
Dr Jane Tinker Mrs Clare Williams
Headteacher Executive Headteacher
The Corbet School Baschurch CofE (A) Primary School