
Avatar photo
Clare Andrew
Reception Class Teacher

Welcome to Reception

❄️Spring Week 2❄️

❄️Week 2❄️
We had a lovely time back in Forest School this week. We started by reading The Wonky Gonks and making dens for our very own Baschurch Gonks. We are making our own Gonk pictures and some children started writing in their Shine Books about their time in Forest School. We are starting to write simple sentences with increasing confidence.
Our Winter Wonderland topic is going well and the creations you have made at home are amazing. The children have made snowflakes and this week we will be finding out about more about creatures that live in cold places.
In Maths we have been recognising quantities without counting, recognising numerals and matching them to the quantities. Our problem solving skills are improving and this is shown in how we approach and complete jigsaws.
I hope you are having a lovely weekend.

See previous messages & posts



Teacher: Mrs Andrew (Tuesday-Friday)

Teacher: Mrs Edwards  (Monday)

TA: Lindsay

How we teach phonics: We are using Read Write inc. to teach children to read and write. We call our phonic sessions Freddy Phonics after the little frog who helps us. 🐸


Click on this link for some really good videos explaining the system and ideas to help with it at home.

Here is a video pronunciation guide for parents so you can reinforce the sounds the way we teach them in school: Phonics Sounds Video Pronunciation

This document explains the EYFS curriculum which your child is undertaking this year, following on closely from pre-school:


Below are some letters from this term and the previous one, just letting you know all the exciting things we will be doing!

Autumn Term Letter 2023

Summer Term Letter 2023

Spring Term Letter 2023


Reading Letters

Listening to your child read ditty sheet

Listening to your child read Red Ditty Books

Listening to your child read Green Books








Class Showcase
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❄️Spring Week 2❄️
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❄️Spring Week 1❄️
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A fantastic first full day!

Class Showcase Open this to see some of the work we've been doing.

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❄️Spring Week 2❄️
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❄️Spring Week 1❄️
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A fantastic first full day!
See more Showcase Items

Class Homework Open this to see the latest homework

See previous homework

Class Spellings Open this to see the latest spellings

No Spellings to show at the moment.

Remote Learning Open this to see the latest remote learning

No remote learning to show at the moment.

Class Apps Open this to link to lots of the Apps we use in school.