Year 3

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Callum Whyte
Year 3 Teacher

Welcome to Year 3

Maths Day, Leaflet Writing and Fractions

The class have had another brilliant week of learning this week finishing some units of work and starting others.

In English, we completed our leaflet writing persuading people to look after our forest and recycle. We planned then wrote out our four sections which we will self-mark and edit next week. In Guided Reading, we learnt about tornados, how dangerous they can be, how they start and the most dangerous ones that have happened over the world.

In Maths, we began our learning about fractions. Looking at both unit and non unit fractions and how to create a whole. In Music, we learnt hot cross buns on our whistles with Mrs White. In Science, we tested what poles attract and repel on a magnet, making predictions and finding positive and negative result. In Geography, we learnt about earthquakes, the severity they can come in and the damage they can cause.

On Friday we had a Maths Day, where the class split into four groups and had a session in Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 learning about and investigating different aspects of number.

See previous messages & posts




to Class 3’s information page!

We are a class of year 3 pupils

Class Teacher: Mr Whyte

Teaching Assistant: Miss Jones and Mrs Roberts


Class 3 News Letter spring 2023

List of Maths Websites for Parents and Carers

National Numeracy Parent Toolkit has a wealth of tips and advice for parents.

Oxford Owl includes a range of activities, top tips and eBooks to help your child with their maths at home.

Maths 4 Mums and Dads explains some of the milestones children make between the ages of 3-and-11-years-old.

Spelling Shed  for weekly spellings.

List of Maths Websites for Children

Times Tables Rock Stars

All children have been issued logins for the Times Tables Rock Stars website

Purple Mash

All children have been given logins to this website.

BBC Bitesize Maths

ICT Games

Maths Zone

Primary Games

Class Showcase
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Christmas Calendar Art
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Stone Age School Trip
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Amazing Cave Paintings!

Class Showcase Open this to see some of the work we've been doing.

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Christmas Calendar Art
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Stone Age School Trip
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Amazing Cave Paintings!
See more Showcase Items

Class Homework Open this to see the latest homework

Spelling Tests.

Each child will be sent home with a spelling sheet each week.

Their log ins to spelling shed are in the inside of their homework books, if you have any issues logging on please let me know.


See previous homework

Class Spellings Open this to see the latest spellings

Spelling Tests.

Each child will be sent home with a spelling sheet each week.

Their log ins to spelling shed are in the inside of their homework books, if you have any issues logging on please let me know.


See previous spellings

Remote Learning Open this to see the latest remote learning

No remote learning to show at the moment.

Class Apps Open this to link to lots of the Apps we use in school.