Year 5

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Huw McGrath
Year 5 Teacher

Welcome to Year 5

My Favourite Subject

As our value of the half term is creativity, some of us have been using our Friday afternoon creative time to write about our favourite subject. Here’s Lily’s thought on her favourite subject, art!

Art can be lots of things, maybe painting, drawing, sometimes sketching. You can have artistic writing, collages and photography too. Art is also a way of expressing your feelings – and who said it had to be a picture of something? Dot painting and splats are a great way of expressing how you feel – and super fun too! Some famous artists used those methods to create beautiful plus interesting paintings and collages. In class we are doing observational art – a beautiful type of sketching where you count on the details to make you a masterpiece. Obviously if you have just started, you might not like your paintings as much as others – but don’t worry! It takes practise. Art is beautiful. So grab your paints and pencils (don’t  worry if you don’t have any ) and get arty!


See previous messages & posts

Welcome to Year 5
Teacher: Mr McGrath  TA: Miss Edwards   PPA Cover (Wednesday Afternoons): Mrs Jones & Miss Edwards

Key info:

PE: Tuesday and Wednesday

Times table tests: Friday

Spelling tests: Monday

Homework given and due: Friday


Useful Websites:

EdShed: Use for maths, spellings and phonics *All pupils have their own individual login.

Hit the Button: Great for learning times tables



Class Showcase
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My Favourite Subject
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Young Voices 2023

Class Showcase Open this to see some of the work we've been doing.

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My Favourite Subject
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Young Voices 2023
See more Showcase Items

Class Homework Open this to see the latest homework

Homework Menu

Here is our opening menu of the half term. All tasks have been discussed with the class and are relevant to what we have been learning in class this week. We will add new tasks to the list every week linked to what we’ve been learning.

The Menu:
 Fact file about New York (English)
 10 facts about Philippe Petit (English)
 Write a character description about one character from your reading book
 Write a setting description for a setting in your reading book. Identify your expanded noun phrases (English)
 Place Value Lesson 1 Quiz (EdShed)
 Spellings (Available from Monday)
 Practice some observational drawing around your house/local area (art)
 Make a model of the Twin Towers

** Blue homework books have been sent home for any writing tasks you may choose **

Please choose at least one task per week (or at least 6 in total across the half term). Children will be rewarded for their work.

See previous homework

Class Spellings Open this to see the latest spellings

Every spelling list for this year!

Spelling tests will take place every Monday & new spellings for the week will be given on the same day.

Blue group:

Stage 3 spellings

Orange group:

Stage 5 Spellings

Test dates for lists this term:

List 1 – 16.09.24

List 2 – 23.09.24

List 3 – 30.09.24

List 4 – 07.10.24

List 5 – 14.10.24

List 6 – 21.10.24

List 7 – 04.11.24

List 8 – 11.11.24

List 9 – 18.11.24

List 10 – 25.11.24

List 11 – 02.12.24

List 12 – 09.12.24

List 13 – 16.12.24

See previous spellings

Remote Learning Open this to see the latest remote learning

No remote learning to show at the moment.

Class Apps Open this to link to lots of the Apps we use in school.