Updated November 2023
Do you want to contact our governors? You can phone either school office, or they have a dedicated email address: harrisgoughgovernors@gmail.com
Name |
Governor Category & term of office |
Curriculum Link |
Declaration of Business Interest |
Relationship to staff or governors |
Chair of Governors |
Janice Donoghue
Acting Chair |
Feb 2025 |
Rev. Adam Clayton
Ex-officio |
Feb 2025 |
RE/Worship & PSHE
Safeguarding |
Rev. Linda Cox
Ex-officio |
Feb 2025 |
RE/Worship & PSHE |
Michelle Hillidge
May 2025 |
Oliver Jones
Jan 2027 |
Creative Arts |
Wendy Lowdon
Local Authority
Jun 2026 |
Cathy Cooke
Jun 2025 |
Callum Whyte
Oct 2027 |
Mr Simon Monk
Oct 2024 |
Maths |
Gemma Harrop
Sep 2025 |
English |
Simon Ansell |
Dec 2027 |
Clare Williams
Ex-officio |
Executive Headteacher
Feb 2025 |
Ex-Husband web designer for school website |
Rev. Adam Clayton also sits on the Governing Body of Newhampton Federation.
Rev Linda Cox also sits on the Governing Body of Weston Lullingfields Primary School.
Pupil Support Committee:
Chair: Rev Adam Clayton
Clerk: Emily Birch
Janice Donoghue
Clare Williams
Michelle Hillidge
Callum Whyte
Pupil Discipline, Complaints, Admissions
Finance, Resources, H&S and Premises Committee:
Chair: Simon Monk
Clerk: Nicky Fox
David Appleyard
Clare Williams
Oliver Jones
Cathy Cooke
School Business Manager (no voting rights)
Staff Discipline/Dismissal, Salaries, Performance Management and Employment, Extended Schools Issues
Standards & Curriculum Committee:
Chair: Gemma Harrop
Clerk: Emily Birch
Adam Clayton
Michelle Hillidge
Clare Williams
Linda Cox
Wendy Lowden
Simon Ansell
Appeals (inc Staff Discipline/Dismissal and Pupil Discipline)
Meeting Attendance
A record of our Governors attendance at our various meetings can be found on the the following page:
Governor Record of Attendance
Governor Attendance Record 2023-2024
The school is legally required to have a board of Governors to work as a corporate body within a clear framework to set the future direction of the school. In our school this board is made up of the Headteacher, teaching assistants, the vicar, foundation members (people nominated by the Church), parents (nominated by other parents) and a Local Education Authority Governor.
The Governors are ‘critical friends’ to the school, they are involved in the self evaluation and school development which Ofsted will use in their findings, so they have both a strategic and accountable role in managing the school. They help support the Headteacher in the leadership of the school to help raise and maintain standards.
Meetings are held throughout the school year with one main meeting a term where all Governors are expected to attend and these are clerked by a member of Shropshire Council. There are also sub-committees covering all issues surrounding school life, these also help to update policies. The purpose of the of the Governing Body is to help the school provide the best possible education by setting values, visions and aims; monitoring and evaluating pupil’s progress; ensuring that the school is accountable to children, parents, the Church, the local community, it’s staff and those who fund and maintain it.
The Chair of Governors meets with the Headteacher most weeks to discuss school issues or items raised in committee meetings.
Link governors are partnered with a member of school teaching staff with whom they meet annually to discuss progress in each subject area. Governors with responsibility for safeguarding, child protection, LAC, finance, SEND meet termly.
All policies are available for parents to read and these are kept in the school office. Parent can approach Governors to discuss things to find out how things, within school, work, however they do not get involved in disputes that need to be dealt with by school.
The governors have adopted a code of conduct which sets out the purpose of the governing body and describes the appropriate relationship between individual governors, the whole governing body and the leadership team of the school.
Code of Conduct 2023
Governor Equality Statement.docx