We are very proud of our school, staff, pupils and their achievements. Below you can read statistical information and official reports relating to our school.
Ofsted make regular inspections of schools, the reports they compile can be found on our page of their website below:
Ofsted Report May 2023 Baschurch CofE Primary Ofsted Report May 2023
Ofsted Report November 2017 Baschurch CofE Primary School 10032673 PDF Final
Baschurch School – Ofsted Report
SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools)
As a Church of England school we regularly undergo a SIAMS inspection. Our most recent was June 2018 and we were so proud to be graded OUTSTANDING. A link to the report is below:
Baschurch SIAMS report June 2018
School Performance Tables
The Department for Education publishes a wide range of data about our school. Information on test data, children’s progress, our intake and a range of other figures.
Baschurch School – Department of Education website
Below shows our most recent Key stage 2 data from end of 2022
Progress Scores 21/22
Based on a cohort of 29 pupils in your school at the end of Key Stage 2, you achieved a progress score of -0.1 in Reading. Your school’s Reading progress score has increased by 1.1 from -1.2 in 2018/19 to -0.1 in 2021/22.
Your school’s relative change for Reading progress score has improved by +3.0, from -1.9 in 2018/19 to +1.1 in 2021/22 when compared to the National average.
Based on a cohort of 29 pupils in your school at the end of Key Stage 2, you achieved a progress score of 0.0 in Writing. Your school’s Writing progress score has increased by 2.0 from -2.0 in 2018/19 to 0.0 in 2021/22. Your school’s relative change for Writing progress score has improved by +4.5, from -2.5 in 2018/19 to +2.0 in 2021/22 when compared to the National average.
Based on a cohort of 29 pupils in your school at the end of Key Stage 2, you achieved a progress score of +0.9 in Maths. Your school’s Maths progress score has increased by 1.5 from -0.6 in 2018/19 to +0.9 in 2021/22.
Below shows our most recent Key stage 2 data from 2019. Please note that this is not up to date data, due to Covid-19 no statutory assessments took place in 2020:
Parent Feedback
Parent Questionnaire Baschurch 2023 RESULTS
FEEDBACK FROM parent surveys February 2021
parent questionaire July 2017 results
September 2016Parent questionnaire results:
Parent Questionaire September 2016 Baschurch Results
June 2015 Parent Questionnaire Results and Actions taken.
Parent Questionaire June 2015 results
Parent View
Parent View gives you the chance to tell Ofsted what you think about our school.
It asks for your opinion on 12 aspects of your child’s school, from the quality of teaching, to dealing with bullying and poor behaviour. The information you provide is used when Ofsted decide when to inspect a school.
Parents can see what other parents have said about our school or view the results for any school in England.
Parent View Results
You can submit your own feedback to the Parent View system by following the link below, singing up and answering the questions.