Absence from School

If your child is absent from school for any reason please let us know before 8.45am. If your child is likely to be absent for any length of time (due to illness, for example) please keep us informed. Authorised and unauthorised absence information can be obtained from the school office.
If children are to be excused from PE, swimming or games we require written notification from their parent or guardian, but as a general rule if they are fit enough to be in school, they are fit enough to participate in all activities. Please do not send your child to school when they are obviously unwell.

Appointments during the Day

On some occasions it is necessary for parents to take children to appointments, such as to the hospital or doctor, during the school day, or for them to leave early. It is important that we are informed as far in advance as possible and that the children are signed out at the office before being collected.

Holidays in Term Time

It is important for your child’s education that holidays are NOT taken during term time, as it is disruptive to their learning. This is particularly important during the summer term when assessments take place.
If, owing to fixed holiday schedules, absence is unavoidable, it must be covered, in advance of booking, by completion of a Holiday Absence Form obtainable from the school office. Schools cannot grant holidays in school time unless there are exceptional circumstances.

Our Parent Handbook is a quick guide to how we work at our school. Full school policies can be read on our Policies page